KBC was founded in 2012 and provides the highest level of patient care:
In our region, Dr. Andrea Woodroof is the only Breast Fellowship-Trained Radiologist.
BFTR = a subspecialist with an additional year of formal breast cancer training at a university.
- Regionally, only at KBC are ALL mammograms are read by a BFTR.​
- BFTRs often find cancers missed by "general radiologists" at other facilities.​
- NBC Reports on why this is important: ​​​
KBC actually follows the Guidelines of the American College of Radiology;
KBC was the 1st private clinic in KY to offer 3D Mammography (we have more experience).
KBC uses advanced technology (Ex- Ultrasound) specifically designed for breast imaging.
KBC does all imaging services within our "spa-like" clinic and you get one bill.
With others, you may receive multiple bills (exam fee, off-site reading/radiologist fee, other fees, etc.).
KBC is independent and works for each patient's best interest!
Patients from 17 states prefer to get their mammograms at KBC.
In 2014, we opened a second clinic in Somerset and expanded our services to help more people.
Women and men now have an affordable alternative to receive CT Scans, Ultrasound Imaging and Dexa Scans for osteoporosis screening.