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KBC was founded in 2012 and provides the highest level of patient care:

  • In our region, Dr. Andrea Woodroof is the only Breast Fellowship-Trained Radiologist.

    • BFTR = a subspecialist with an additional year of formal breast cancer training at a university.

  • Regionally, only at KBC are ALL mammograms are read by a BFTR.​
    • BFTRs often find cancers missed by "general radiologists" at other facilities.​
  • NBC Reports on why this is important: ​​​











  • KBC actually follows the Guidelines of the American College of Radiology;

  • KBC was the 1st private clinic in KY to offer 3D Mammography (we have more experience).

  • KBC uses advanced technology (Ex- Ultrasound) specifically designed for breast imaging.

  • KBC does all imaging services within our "spa-like" clinic and you get one bill. 

    • With others, you may receive multiple bills (exam fee, off-site reading/radiologist fee, other fees, etc.).

  • KBC is independent and works for each patient's best interest!

  • Patients from 17 states prefer to get their mammograms at KBC.

  • Lower prices... Click Here to Compare Costs



In 2014, we opened a second clinic in Somerset and expanded our services to help more people.

  • Women and men now have an affordable alternative to receive CT Scans, Ultrasound Imaging and Dexa Scans for osteoporosis screening.




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