Example B - Switching Facilities
Selma gets a 3D Mammogram that is read by an "in-network" clinician and she pays $0 upfront.
Unfortunately, Selma has a mass that needs further study, so she needs to get a Diagnostic Mammogram, but now... she wants this exam to be read by a Breast Fellowship-Trained Radiologist, so she then returns to KBC to have KBC "re-read" the images taken at the "in-network" facility.
She probably won't meet her deductible yet, so she wants to reduce "out of pocket" costs, which are less at KBC
KBC charges $180 to re-read another facility's images (so that needs to be considered as well). ​
Selma's Screening Mammogram images have to be transferred to KBC, which could further delay her diagnosis.
Selma then needs a Biopsy:
Total Maximum Cost = $2,000
Which was below Selma's deductible... so all of this is "out of pocket".
If Selma did not switch back to KBC, she would have paid more than twice that cost (at least).